Get in touch
Main: 843-293-7529
4716 US Highway 17 Bypass South,
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

Kids Paradise Programs

Programs in Kids Paradise,
Where Learning Is Like A Day At the Beach
  • Infant Room
  • Waddler Room
  • Tiny Tots
  • Toddler Room
  • Younger 2's Room
  • Older 2's Room
  • 3-Year-Old Room
  • 4-Year-Old Class
  • 6 Weeks to 6 Months 
  • 6 Months to 1 Year
  • 1 Year to 18 Months
  • 18 Months to 2 Years
  • 2 Years to 2 ½ Years
  • 2 ½ Years to 3 Years
  • 3 Years to 4 Years
  • 4 Years to 5 Years

What to Bring

Please have your child dressed in comfortable clothing each day. We ask that you bring a complete change of seasonal clothes to keep in the cubbie at all times-including socks and underwear. If your child has to use their back-up clothing, we ask that you take home soiled clothing, and replace their backup clothing immediately. Please label all of your child’s clothing with their name and send them in a large zip lock or plastic bag.

If your child is not potty-trained, diapers and wipes must also be provided. While in the potty-training process, certain diapers may be asked for. Potty-training diapers will help in the training process. Additionally, seasonally-appropriate clothing is also required. 

If your child has a blanket or other self-soothing object they are attached too, please feel free to bring that to the school and share your child’s needs with the teacher. A bag, tote or backpack is helpful in carrying things to and from school. 

The supply list for your child’s room will be given at the time of registration.

Daily Schedule

  • For Breakfast:

    You must arrive on time and have your child in class on their scheduled time to eat.  To be in attendance for the day, you have to arrive by 10AM. You will need to officially sign them in to our care.  

  • Daily Activities:

    Activities will be posted on the Parent Bulletin Board.  We will also send a weekly newsletter home to keep you informed of our events and activities.  Any announcements or documents for parents will be placed in the child’s cubby or folder. 

  • Nap Time:

    Children who do not sleep are required to rest quietly. Some children require more sleep than others.

  • Child Pick-Up:

    We will require you to give us a verbal password and officially sign your child out of our care when you come to take your child home.  If you send someone new, (someone we have not met and is not on the “pick-up” list) we will check their ID.  This is for safety reasons.  Please inform the one you have sent to pick up your child that we will require an ID check.   

After School Program (up to 12-years-old)

Any kids who go to Lakewood Elementary, will be picked up with our bus. Socastee Elementary School will drop off in front of our center by Horry County School bus.

Summer Camp Program (up to 12-years-old)

Field trips planned and included in tuition
These are pre-planned trips, and you will get a calendar with times and dates.


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